If I were

Uladi Mussa

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Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, I would appreciate that there is an acute lapse of security in the country that needs urgent attention.

If I were ‘Chenji golo’ I would also not make sensitive claims that there are people who want to sabotage President Joyce Banda’s government on issues of security without providing concrete proof.

I would appreciate, if I were the honourable minister, that the issue at hand is that the crime rate has increased and government needs to act before the situation gets out of hand.

I would further realise, if I were Mussa, that the security lapse has put people’s lives at risk, and that as a result of this, people are living in fear.

Other than concentrating on a blame game, I would put measures in place to arrest the soaring crime rate that is threatening to affect the credibility of the current government.

That is, if only I were one Uladi Mussa. Fortunately, I can never be this gentleman!

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